What Would It Be Worth To You To FINALLY Have A Profitable Strategy?
This is the ONLY Stats Software & Community to have made more profitable traders than any other. 
& you only need 10 mins a day ;) Want in?
Need Some Convincing? 
Let’s be honest - you’ve dreamt about making Betfair trading thing work for a while havent you?

I know you have, because I was once there.

Right where you are now.

You feel like you make a little bit of progress and then BAM! You do something silly, only to see those profitable trades get wiped out! Right?

Or maybe it’s a time thing? Between the wife, kids and work you have limited time to actually make this work? You dream of this at every chance you can! But life gets in the way. Right?
Or maybe it’s a strategy thing? You see everybody else around you profiting and you are here, bumbling along with ZERO idea if your strategy is any good or not? "Will it scale?" "Should I sack it off now??"

Well if you are any of those people then you will want to keep reading this page. I am about to save you:


Awkward conversations with the wife

Having to keep an eye out for the boss while you try and research trades at work

HOURS looking at stuff that just doesn't work

How can I make this claim?

Well, 65% of my members are profitable. I’m going to share with you why and, more importantly, how.

Here’s the cold hard truth, most traders don't make it. They quit before they realize their potential.

Others hopelessly keep trying the same thing sitting on their hands praying this time will be different.


Because they don’t know the secret to becoming profitable: the strategy, the scaling, the results tracking, the time it takes. It all feels so overwhelming.

It’s not about working hard. It’s about having a repeatable system. One to save you time and make you money that is easy to follow.

That’s exactly what I did all those years ago, and it worked.


I shared it with my early members in Betfair Trading Community and it worked for them.

Since then, it's helped more traders achieve their goals than anything else out there.

My members are making money on Betfair daily with this system.

Because of this, here are the 3 things you'll get inside BTC that will make you a profitable trader...

One of the biggest pains when it comes to trading is knowing what games to trade.

This is why we have built our software the way we have. You can build your own strategies in our software and it will give you only the games that meet your criteria daily.


Imagine being able to go to Betfair Trading Community, log in, click Football and then click your strategy and you’ve got the games researched?

Ones that you know that have the best chance to profit? How much time would that save you?


How much would it change your life to get a list of the best games to trade that day? All in under 5 mins a day? With all the information you need on one screen!

Community - people like you

When I started Betfair Trading Community over ten years ago, I did so because there wasn’t a place where you could talk trading and not be either made to feel stupid or the person you are talking to have ZERO ideas about what the hell you are on about. They just call you a gambler. 


Since those humble beginnings, it's grown into something that I am extremely proud of. I guard the community with everything. I started it on the basis that the only rule we have is this: "No question is a daft question". Now, we have a few more rules but this is still at its core. 


You can ask any question and feel safe to get an answer which will help you and not get mocked. It’s the best & friendliest community out there, you can talk trading, share ideas, share strategies and get feedback, talk about what TV shows, films you are watching, everything you want!

Think about it, how long would it take you to figure all this stuff out on your own
Well, I have one final thing I’d like to give you to ensure
your success on Betfair which is this…

I am going to make you a Super Trader! Do you know what a Super Trader is? 

Super Traders hit Betfair for 6. Day in. Day out. 


I am going to give you my step-by-step system for taking want to be traders and building them into Super Traders! 


If you’ve been struggling for months or even years on Betfair, the BTC Super Trader System will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. 


You’ll be armed with everything you need to become a Super Trader, how to pick a sport, how to pick a strategy, and how to research that strategy. 


All with over-my-shoulder step-by-step videos to explain what to do and when!

Software Walkthrough Video
Here's everything you are getting... 

BTC Football Stats Software - Get you daily selections in 3 clicks!

BONUS BTC Tennis Stats Software 

Access to BTC Community - People like you who want to talk trading.  


BTC Super Trader System - Attacking Betfair Trading like a Betfair Super Trader is the only way to get easy, consistent green screens.

Here's What Some Of The Member's Think...
Cancel anytime - NO Contract - £1.20 per day! 

You are minutes away from getting access.

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    Annual Subscription£299.00/yr
  • Preferred option
    Monthly Subscription£29.99/mo

Secure Your Strategies!

Special one-time offer, only £10! ONE OFF.
If you ever decide to leave, we shall save your strategies for life, so when you come back they’ll still be there. 
£10 This is a ONE OFF payment, you will not be charged monthly for securing your strategies.

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Community And Sports£0

FULL access to BTC football stats Software - Get you daily selections in 3 clicks!

FULL access to BTC tennis stats software

Football and tennis ratings not found anywhere else on the internet!

ACCESS to BTC Community - Hundreds of traders just like you! 

World Class Support 

  • Total payment
  • 1xCommunity And Sports£0

All prices in GBP

  • What if it's not for me?
    We want you to be happy. In the unlikely event that you're not satisfied, we'll issue a refund (minus any transaction fees charged by external payment processors - usually only a couple of percent of the transaction value) if you get in touch within the first 7 days of your subscription.

    Some people have a "no questions asked" refund policy. Our is a "one question asked" policy. The only question we'll ask you is "What could we have done better?" :)​